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Not provided (AWR metric)
Iulia Z. Lacriceanu avatar
Written by Iulia Z. Lacriceanu
Updated over a week ago

By combining traffic values for not provided terms from Google Analytics with the number of clicks from the Search Console, we start pairing up keywords with a proportional number of visits, thus breaking down the not-provided keyword pool.

While secure searches will not display the search term in GA (aka Google's not provided keyword pool), clicks from result pages will be counted in Search Console no matter what and will be associated with a corresponding search query. 

Based on this, we proportionally match a portion of the not provided visits (GA) to clicks received by a keyword (GSC).


Active Google connection - Analytics and Search Consol, targeting the same website.

AWR Cloud analyzes data for the past full month and visit information can be available for each of the URLs associated with your domain, similar to the Visibility by URL metrics. 

Do you have any other questions? Don’t hesitate to get in touch and we will keep building the FAQ.

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